Sunday, May 12, 2013

What's the secret to learning Japanese?

In the age of 30-day, quick-fix, sexy abs flashy programmes that promise you the world for a small fee of all your money per month, a lot of people want to know about the next big thing in terms of being able to do this or do that. 

A lot of people see someone with decent Japanese and ask, 

"Woah... How can I become that good at Japanese? What's their secret?"

Get Anki (and burn your flashcards)

Do you use flashcards to learn and memorise things like vocabulary and individual kanji? Isn't it annoying how you can never keep track of what you know well and what you need more practice on? Don't you find it irritating how, as you add more cards to your pile, it just becomes an unmanageable mess? And then your mum spills her coffee all over them and you have to start from square one?!

Well.. if you're sitting there thinking, "Hmm.. Yep, that sounds like me!", I'd like to introduce you to a revolutionary piece of software called Anki

Find what you need at Play-Asia